Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Mediation group: Give peace a tag

The Virginia Association of Community Conflict Resolution, an organization for nonprofit community mediation groups, is trying to get the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a state license tag that promotes “community peacebuilding.” (See picture).

Considering the commonwealth already has vanity license plates that promote everything from Parrotheads (Jimmy Buffett fans) to bowlers to Friends of Tibet, community peacebuilding shouldn’t be denied, right?

Well, as the Roanoke Times reports, the plate-promoters are about 75 short of the 350 pre-paid commitments required to issue a new license plate. Rebekah Carswell, executive director of the Conflict Resolution Center in Roanoke, is spearheading the effort, which has been going for two years. If the group doesn’t get the 75 extra people by July 1, it will have to start all over. And next week, a new law kicks in that puts a 30-day deadline on any effort to get the 350 pre-payments. Carswell says it’s pretty much now or never for the peace plate.

If the tag makes it, the VACCR hopes to use the effort as a way to raise funds for local centers. Every driver who orders the tag will pay $25 for the privilege; the association would get $15 of that fee.

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